As search experts, our job is increasing relevancy and, for better or worse, that still involves links. But what if we get a client who’s business bores the living hell our of us: industrial solvents, for example, or elevator cable, fine grade agricultural gravel, copper wiring for electrical circuits. In an age where links generally need to embedded in content, how are were then to generate scintillating articles or to sing a product’s praises over the web in a way which doesn’t feel contrived. With almost every industry now recognising the value of search, this is a fair question and one which more and more firms are coming up against. Here are our tips to create exciting content in some, er, ‘tricky’ subject areas, as well as places to find powerful links.
(1) One man’s boredom is another man’s ecstasy
For many people, SEO itself is an industry which might be likened to copper wiring: highly technical, involving large amounts of esoteric data, computer gadgetry and with extremely large percentage of the work force sporting beards. Yet somehow for those of us working in it,we find it exciting, creative and full of dynamic challenges. If we retrace our steps to our early years in the industry we’ll recall a learning curve in which esoterica became the norm and then, magically, a source of genuine excitement. So this is a version of the journey you need to go on with your new clients in asphalt: understand that every business has the potential to yield a kernel of genuine interest for its community: your job is to find it!
- Look for key points information
- Do a survey to gather percentage based data you can use
- Spend a few hours visiting the business site and chatting with employees, you may strike gold
(2) Humour is a Universal Language
Whatever you’re promoting, recognise that humour is always applicable. Cartoons and puppetry offer ways to promote a subject matter which isn’t, on the face of it, interesting in a manner which is hilarious. Think of the way Sesame Street used their colourful collection of characters to convey important educational subjects, interspersed with fun. That’s the way to approach it and, in our experience, the brands themselves with thank you for injecting a little levity into what may perhaps be a generally dry arena.
(3) Go beyond the product into the real world
Copper wiring may be boring but the machines which use them: mobile phones and computers to use a popular example may not be. Making people realise how these products interact with our daily lives offers a relevancy which offers the chance for empathy, understanding and a resonance which may translate into brand recognition. Intuitive marketing always reaches for emotional relevancy, no matter what the subject.
(4) Promote the brand
Take Duracell, as a good example, of a company who sells something not massively exciting. And yet most people have a strong respect for the brand who continue to dominate the battery market. The Duracell bunny lingers on in the public imagination as a classic image, proving that a good campaign can amuse, educate and instill trust, even when the product isn’t immediately fascinating. What that campaign did, however, aside from suggest Duracell batteries last longer, is to build Duracell as an international known brand. Now, whatever they turn their hand to, that branding has done its work. So, when all else fails and you find yourself genuinely stumped for inspiration, promote the brand itself: it’s values, contribution to public and commercial life, it’s overriding ethos.
(5) Industry Publications
As viewers of Have I got News for You will attest, there are some industry journals out there that simply beggar belief. Fresh Produce Journal is an example, as well as Welding and Metal Fabrication Monthly and Parking Review are just some of the classics which have popped up on there over the years, proving there’s a niche for everything, and that the most surprising subjects can warrant a magazine and a paying public. If you’re tasked with promoting something a bit dry, these magazines and journals are going to prove a useful entry point: they’re highly targeted and likely some of the best links you can source for your client. If budget allows, research who the industry’s top journalists are then ask them to write for you: this is a win/win tactic, offering credibility, know-how and of course that valuable link.
Link Building
- Niche Directories
- Generic Directories (Ezilon, Yahoo, Fat Joe) with good DA and Relevant Subsections
- Industry Journals
- How To Guides
- Yahoo Answers
- Infographics and Video Sharing Sites
- Tap Into Your Client’s own Network of Suppliers and Contacts for Niche relevant links
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