Launching a new website site requires some hard work and a modicum of basic preparation. As they say, God is in the details. Remember, the first time people log into your site is the impression they may retain for a long time to come – First impressions matter – so it’s worth being patient and getting things right before unleashing your creation on the world. Read on for a few basic pointers.
Launch when you’re ready.
It’s all to easy to set a date for launch and then, as that date draws near, realise you’re not quite ready. What with coding, graphic design, SEO, and all the other minutiae of running an online business things can run away with themselves. However, if you’ve been building up a buzz about your launch, it’s essential to keep to your promise and launch on time. Postponement is not an option so set a realistic deadline for launch and keep to it!
Content, especially in the aftermath of recent Panda updates, remains KING and this is unlikely to change soon! Hire decent content writers and make sure they deliver well ahead of time so you can proof read for any mistakes. Check their work via Copyscape to make sure it’s original. Bulletpoints remain an excellent way to convey the essential message of your brand in a few salient points!
Onpage SEO tips
As for on page tips, who better than Jerry West of SEO Revolution, to offer the advice. His SEO advice is exceptional and always based on solid testing.
You can read more here.
Other factors:
Social Media Matters – Who would you rather do business with: someone with 6 Facebook friends or someone with 6000. Ask us about our social media launch packages which can give your brand the look of an established company overnight.
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